

I hope you never get sick of me, I hope you never get tired of me, I hope you never stop loving me.I'm sorry, I get jealous thinking someone else could make you happier than I could. I guess it's my insecurities acting up. Because I know I'm not the prettiest, smartest and most fun or exciting and you are the handsome, awesome, optimistic, strong and the best man. But I do know that no matter how and long you look, you will never find someone that loves you like I do. The day when I met you, my life changed. I am in love with your smile. I am in love with your eyes. I am in love with your voice. I am in love with your body. I am in love with your laugh. I am in love with you. The way you make me feel is too hard to explain. You make me smile in a special way, you make me feel energetic everyday when I wake up, you make me feel secure by listened your voice and your face before I slept even is just a long distance video or voice call. You make me fall deeper in love everyday which maybe you never know you are so important for me. I'm planning to go expedition and travel every years, but I hope you will be with me also, without you, my life is imperfect. I'm not the best, but I promise will love you as long as I can with all my heart. Welcome back, Happy Birthday! Enjoy your last teen! Sorry I'm still weak, not perfect, not brave enough, can't attend in front of you.

后悔没有多牵手,后悔没有多拥抱,后悔没有勇气再疯狂打一通电话。这种年龄,也许很多人都在告诉自己忘了吧,够了,放过自己,但是在这些骗人的安慰自我背后,有多少的思念和挂念? 没有人可以保证这份思念和爱意会有多深会有多少会到多久,可能也已经忘了在一起是什么感觉,也忘了喜欢一个人的感觉,但是我想正式面对自己感觉,对啊,还是会一个人安安静静思念,多希望还能听见那熟悉的声音,多希望还能闻到那熟悉的味道,慢慢的,喜欢上了一个人安安静静,开心时就笑,想哭就哭,想喊就大喊,想孤单就孤单,但是,多么地希望是你陪着一起,即使是一起孤单,至少心里到达的地方是链接处。到底有多少次,打了一封长长的信息还是删除了,按下去打电话在连接中还是挂断了? 对,可能这是青春,你可能很喜欢一个人,但是就像你说的凭什么我喜欢的人就一定要喜欢我? 没有人是谁的谁,但,你可能就是一个人的支柱和依靠。那天,德国测试对于我很准确,我们之间距离很远,彼此特想念彼此,多希望可以陪着对方多些时间,虽然很难,但至少在彼此身边还是极度安全和放松。那天,我说你太完美了,我没有那所谓的自信和勇气,但你说相信自己,相信你,相信我们,也就是这些我承认我喜欢这又帅又完美的男人。虽然自己没有很好,心固然会疙瘩,因为你太帅太完美又有魅力,但我还是选择相信我们。 对不起,这种年龄这种距离,我什么都给不了,给不了你想其他人一样在一起的爱情,但是我想我能给你的是简简单单的爱情,至少在你身边我轻松自在,想笑就笑,想呐喊就呐喊,轻松做自我。没有所谓的对的时间对的地点,只有对的人,所谓的爱情就是即使时间再长即使距离再远,如果心灵依旧接触,如果你相信他/她,那就够了。放心吧,对我,你依然很很完美。 拜托,女人,坚强点;男人,勇敢些。 男人,生日快乐!


7月11日 下午4点28分

